Saturday, 9 March 2013

~ TIME ~

Why TIME? because i have wasted a whole lot of my time last week... the whole week, i sat in my office WITHOUT actually doing something that is supposed to be done or worth it.. regret?? mcm regret sikit la tapi tak rasa sangat because  keep telling myself, "takpe, weekend nanti tak balik kampung and so, i can do and finsh my works".. haha... and dat's funny coz today is saturday and sepanjang siang tadi, i did not do any of my supposed-to-do works.. i mean WORKS... plural form there.. hahaha... who cares?? banyak masa lagi kaaaaaaan?? (giler betul)..

Well, me n mr procrastinator are best friends since i was in higher institution lagi.. i guess that's quite a long friendship, though i tried many times to get rid of it, but i failed... ALWAYS FAILED... i really respect those strong people who managed to beristiqamah dalam melakukan kerjanya.. i wonder how they do it.. i always wonder what are the kind of life for those successful people? lonely? being surrounded by works? no watching TV? no shopping on weekend? no family occasions? no holidays? no gossips? no entertainments? i mean, workaholics, what do u do?? what are ur days look like?

setiap masa i think of finishing my works.. marking, thesis, reading, writing, materials preparations.. but what i am best at is reading... reading novels, magazines and newspaper.. now, im reading SOLUSI.. i bought one last week and the uncle yng jual (apparently a friendly, chinese man) said, "waah, bnayak mahal lor ini magazine.." and that i realised that SOLUSI is expensive.. back to office, i came to a decision that, memnagla mahal, tengok la siapa yang tulis kat kolum magazine tu.. they are DRs, Profs and experienced Ustaz.. Masha Allah... May God bless u people... giving and sharing knowledge with people through writing.. semoga diberkati...